

I read a quote yesterday that I want to share with you all...

"God will send the right people to our life at the right time.

We must first let the wrong people walk away. The wrong

people will use our weaknesses to stay in our lives. If we

don't let the wrong people walk away, we will miss God's best."

If you stop and really think about this like I did, it makes perfect sense...

I thought yesterday of all the people I have known over time and how many are still actually in my life...

People come and go for different reasons...

This I have always believed...

Some may be there for a wrinkle in time and others for a lifetime...

I think it depends on what they are there for...

I have new people in my life and they are here for a reason...

Whether it is for support or just a shoulder or a helping hand or just to give me a laugh, everyone has a purpose...

I have been thinking of the changes that have happened over the last few months and I see His hand in everything...

Lost the house, He made sure I still had a roof over my head...

Lost the car, He made sure I still had someway to get to work without making others do without...

Husband walked away, He made sure the support system was in place before it ever happened...

I quit my job, He made sure I found another one right away, He also made sure the old job was open when I was ready to come back again...

I was so broken there were days I found myself on the floor weeping, but He made sure I got up and dusted myself off and carried on no matter how many times I wanted to give up...

He counted and then wiped the tears away...

He took my suicidal thoughts and replaced them with strength...

He took my feelings of despair and replaced them with feelings of hope...

He took the indescribable pain that I thought would never end and replaced it with peace...

He replaced my fear with comfort...

He has done everything possible to show me He is standing right here beside me...

He has carried me when I couldn't take another step...

How is it that I am just now realizing this?

I Believe In You Now
A New Light Is Showing Me How
I Used To Walk In The Shadows Of Doubt
But I Believe In You Now


  1. You're just realizing it now because you're more receptive to it now. You're more open. You've let Him in for sure, and now you see more of Him everywhere for every reason. I love that!

  2. see how strong your growing
    in faith
    in self esteem
    in you

    it is beautiful to witness

  3. You know that saying you can see the forest for all the trees. But like Nikki said you can see Him now because you have let Him in!

    Beautiful post! I am so happy to be on this journey with you!

  4. Sometimes you have to walk through the fire to learn what you're supposed to know! Been there, done that!

  5. This was a beautiful post. I am thankful you are in my life. =)


Thank You For Taking The Time To Leave A Little Piece Of Yourself With Me!


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