
Go On, Confuse Him

"From The Rising Of The Sun Unto The Going Down Of The Same The Lord's Name Is To Be Praised."
Psalm 113:3

One of the songs that our choir sung on Sunday has gotten me to do some serious thinking.

The song is "Praise Him In Advance" by Marvin Sapp, go watch the video, truly listen to the words and I will wait for you.

Welcome back.

The best line in that song, in my opinion is - "Praise will confuse the enemy."

5 little words with a very powerful meaning behind them.

What is praise to you?

Praise is defined as: "Offering words of homage as an act of worship", there is, of course, numerous other meanings, however they don't apply here.

Praise is the voice of your Faith.

So what do you think the songwriter was thinking when he wrote these words?

Do you think he meant wait until the dust has settled and then Praise God for your victory?

No, he meant you praise Him now, in the midst of your trials and tribulations, before the victory.

When you pray, and you truly believe that not only is He listening, He is also hearing your prayers, that is when you praise Him.

Before you see the victory.

That will confuse the mess out of the enemy.

To see you down on your knees, weeping perhaps, angry possibly, broken most likely, yet there you are thanking Him, worshiping Him and praising Him.

Trusting Him that you will win the victory by His mercy and grace.

I was reminded by a dear friend last night that the journey we are taking is a lesson in trust.

Not trust in one another per se, but ultimately being able to just trust in Him.

To know that whatever we are facing in our lives, is for a reason, a chance to glorify His name.

A chance to learn how to confuse the enemy.

I've Had My Share Of Ups And Downs
Times When There Was No One Around
God Came And Spoke These Words To Me
Praise Will Confuse The Enemy

1 comment:

  1. what a great post. I love both the message on the song by Marvin Sapp as well as the song playing on your site as i read through the post - praise you in the storm.

    What a journey of growth and trust in God we are all on - when the answer is sometimes yes, sometimes no, and sometimes not yet.....we learn to trust.


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