
Patience Is A Virtue

"Two Are Better Then One, Because They Have A Good Return For Their Work; If One Falls Down, His Friend Can Help Him Up. But Pity The Man Who Falls And Has No One To Help Him Up."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

This is for Trent - My friend...You have the most amazing moral compass I have ever seen...You truly deserve nothing but peace and happiness. Thank you for believing in me - Even when I didn't believe in myself...May He always bless you in everything you seek.

When I think of Trent the first word that comes to mind is patience.

Next is tranquility as well as peace...

Trent is like a quiet wind, a gentle breeze blowing across your face in the hottest of summers...
A friend who has become my rock during the past year...

A friend who even during his own pain would drop everything the minute I contacted him...

I have come to rely heavily on his wisdom the last few months...

He has secured my friendship with his gentle calm and loving nature.

I have tested his patience unintentionally...

He has passed with flying colors...

He has spent quite some time explaining computer things to me as well as games online...

He never gives up no matter how many times I have to ask him to start over...

He may be thinking I am a dumb blonde however he has never let on...

He has never treated me in any other way then as an equal.

He has removed me from my comfort zone...

Allowed me to be myself...

Guided me towards doing things on my own...

Not judging based on some weird fears I carried...

No laughter at my insecurities...

Nothing but patience on his part...

Because of his belief in me, I have done 2 things this past year that I never thought possible.

For the first time in my life I ate in a restaurant (deli) by myself...

I had him right there via text just in case I went into full on panic mode...

I had a couple of moments and he texted me right through them...

I actually ended up enjoying myself and my meal....

I walked out of there so very happy for overcoming this fear...

Next up - One of my greatest fears - The movie theater...

You all know how I feel about this - Not a secret...

With his guidance and patience, I did it...

I went to a movie theater alone...

I didn't sit all the way in the back...

I didn't leave when someone sat down next to me...

I stayed for the entire movie...

I knew I could text him even though he was so far away...

In a different town...

At a different movie at the same time as me however I didn't have to.

His presence was felt...

His patience had paid off...

When You're Lost In All The Madness
When You're Blinded By The Doubt
When You Need Someone To Be There For You
I'll Help You Find Your Way.

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