Romans 5:8
Do you know what that passage above means?
Truly means?
That is the definition of unconditional love.
It doesn't say if you clean up your act, I will love you.
It doesn't say if you hair is this color, longer, thicker, waistline smaller, bigger, more defined I will love you.
It doesn't say if you just did this I will love you.
It doesn't say to conform to be the person someone else wants you to be.
It is just the opposite...
It says no matter what I love you.
No matter your transgressions, your wicked thoughts, your bad deeds -
No. Matter. What.
If you believe - You are loved.
We as humans love no where near this...
We love based on emotions and feelings that change as the wind blows.
The closest thing here on earth to unconditional love is the love a parent has for their child/children.
CB, a very good friend of mine has been teaching me about unconditional love...
As in giving it to each person I encounter on my journey...
It isn't easy to love without conditions, yet CB does it almost effortlessly...
You are taught one way your whole entire life and now have a chance to do it a different way...
In order to love unconditionally you have to be able to trust...
You have to be able to take your battered, bruised and broken heart and lay it in the care of others, in the hopes that they will not abuse it.
So what happens when you are vulnerable due to recent hurts?
How do you turn bitterness into forgiveness?
How do you trust another living soul again?
How do you open up to accept as well as give love again?
Time is a good thing...
Going through all the stages of grief in order to come out on the other side a better person, no matter how long it takes...
Telling yourself you will be fine so many times you start to actually believe it...
For me it also took prayer, counseling, oceans of tears, a wonderful support system, medication and acceptance.
You have got to make the effort...
You get up in the morning, send up your Thanks and Choose Joy - Regardless of how crappy you feel.
Choose to love freely regardless of getting hurt.
I was so worried that the actions of my husband in recent months would affect how I look at others...
I worried that any man who came after him would suffer based on what he did to me...
I know now that isn't the case...
God put someone in my life for a few short weeks to show me I am quite capable of feeling again.
No vows were broken however feelings were shared...
For the first time in over a year, I felt alive, desired, wanted, accepted.
I knew I was going to be just fine in whatever I pursued...
He showed me that.
I know I am capable of loving and receiving love again...
Not anger, not bitterness, not hatred...
Love - Pure and simple...
For whatever reason he isn't in my life at this time however I am grateful for the lesson he taught me.
I am grateful for the time we did share.
Unconditional love means loving without expectations...
Will you get hurt?
In all likely hood -
I did, however the difference is what you do with that hurt...
Will you backslide?
Most likely and if you do reach that point I pray you have people in your corner to lift you right back up like I do.
People like CB who will drop everything the minute I seek him out...
People you can call upon no matter the circumstance/day/time...
Friends, earth angels who are there for you...
Pulling for you, helping you, praying for you/praying with you.
Friends who know just how far you have come and will do everything in their power to make sure you never get that low again -
No. Matter. What.
You can choose to allow it to make you a bitter person or you can choose to allow it to make you a better person.
If you choose to love unconditionally, you love that person -
No. Matter. What.
Chris Tomlin
There's A Peace I've Come To Know
Thought My Heart And Flesh May Fail
There's An Anchor For My Soul
I Can Say "It Is Well" .
God too has put someone in my life who has shown be what it is like to open up again and to feel again. He sent me this verse to remind me how courageous I am being...Deuteronomy 31:6.."Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you"....I also had a friend who sent me this quote..."Sometimes God doesn't give you what you think you want...not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve much much more and He has something bigger and better in mind for you" reminds me everyday that even though I have been hurt, God has bigger and better things in store for my life...and I know He does yours too..