
Is There Light?

The closer I get to the light, the farther it seems to be...

This is how I feel on most days, I can see the light however it seems to be so far out of my reach...

First I want you to know Tigger is out of the woods...

Today is his first day back to school since he got sick...

Thank you all for your kind emails, prayers and well wishes...

Eeyore (my oldest son for the newcomers) was arrested on Saturday for trespassing...

I was at work for the first time in a week and received a phone call from the police department saying I needed to come and pick him up...

Now we have to go to court next month and he faces probation, a fine or community service...

I know it is minor compared to some other things however this is my "good" son...

Hardly ever in trouble, on the honor roll, great kid all around...

It was a shock to me...

I didn't tell his Father because quite frankly I don't think he cares...

I mean his youngest just survived one of the deadliest flu's and he never once came to see him - Yes you read that right - He never bothered to come see him...

He stopped checking up on him after day 5...

Let's just not even go there right now...

So I am not back to work and my little one is back to school...

My trip at the end of the month has been postponed for now...

I received a letter in the mail yesterday letting me know I had a warrant out for my arrest for a bad check I didn't even know bounced, we haven't been paid in 2 weeks and I am beginning to question why I came back here...

I am aggravated, I feel like I am drowning and I just can't catch a break...

I am weary and I am tired...

Tired of fighting just to survive...

Tired of having to be everything to everyone and nothing for myself...

One minute I feel like I can catch the light, then it just gets pulled further away from me...

I am sorry if this is a downer post today however it is my blog and it is how I feel at this point in time...

I need to get it out before I just give up all together...

I know - This to shall pass.

When It Rains It Pours And Opens Doors
That Flood The Floors We Thought Would Always
Keep Us Safe And Dry


  1. When it rains.. it pours! Thats what your life seems to be like right now. Yes, you're right... this too will pass. Hang in there.

  2. I wish I had some magic words that would make everything all better...

    I have an Xfactor that is just awful...
    I am sorry you are going through all this right now
    i am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers

  3. Hi Serenity,
    I too have been trying to email you, pls try me at daysie76 at yahoo

    I'm sorry to read your recent post. I will pray for you and your sons. Take care.

  4. Hey girl...I agree with Nikki. It seems to be pouring some on my end. I know you have my email address so shoot me one...I am not sure which email address you are using now.

    It will get better...it just takes time.


Thank You For Taking The Time To Leave A Little Piece Of Yourself With Me!


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