
My Name

To those of you who asked me how I came up with my name...It is from a prayer I used to pray in rehab (we all did)...I love what Serenity stands for even if I have a hard time finding it for myself...I have plaques, candles and bookmarks with the prayer on them...It means a lot to me because it was something beautiful that came to me from something so ugly....There are very few of you who know my real name but that is because my family (aside from hubby) doesn't know that I blog and I want to keep it that way - They are bat s**t crazy :o)
**Note the picture above isn't mine - I found it on Flickr and it was a perfect balance of what I see Serenity to be**

The Serenity Prayer:

God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept
The Things I Cannot Change;
Courage To Change The Things I Can;
And The Wisdom To Know The Difference.
Living One Day At A Time;
Enjoying One Moment At A Time;
Accepting Hardships As The Pathway To Peace;
Taking, As He Did, This Sinful World As It Is, Not As I Would Have It;
Trusting That He Will Make All Things Right If I Surrender To His Will;
That I May Be Reasonably Happy In This Life And Supremely Happy With Him
Forever In The Next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr


  1. And it's how I'll always know you!

    And I too haven't told any family about my blog, I just want to be able to be free and don't feel like I could be if I knew they were always reading it.

  2. I love the name Serenity! A few people in my family know I blog but none read it!

  3. heck i am way past caring if my family likes what i do or not
    i am crazy aka crazed mind
    but i am also getting older and have just come to the conclusion of take me or leave me
    my DH, CG and those close to me say "take me"
    that is all that counts

  4. One of my most favorite prayers of all!

  5. i love that prayer, too.

    God bless you, Serenity. With the serenity you so desperately seek.



Thank You For Taking The Time To Leave A Little Piece Of Yourself With Me!


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