"Each Of You Should Give What You Have Decided In Your Heart To Give, Not Reluctantly Or Under Compulsion, For God Loves A Cheerful Giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7
This is the 2nd year in a row I have participated in the Secret Santa, hosted by Georgie over at Decisionally Challenged.
I love doing this, picking out a few gifts for someone I have never met who lives no where near me.
It is much easier than shopping for family.
I look forward to the email saying it is that time of the year again.
I look forward to seeing how many people participate, as well as who will be my partner.
I anticipate my partner and what they will be like, what their favorite things are, where they like to eat etc...
Once I received the email from Georgie with the name, I immediately went to their blog to get a feel for them.
Yes, each of us fills out a detailed questionaire, however in my opinion, I can't garner that much without reading what they like to write about.
Fear struck me immediately when I went to the blog...
A very talented person was my partner.
Hmmm, Georgie has a sense of humor, because we all know I have the talent of the rug under my feet.
The two of us couldn't be more different and the more I thought about it, the more I loved it...
Something new to learn about :)
So off I went in search of presents for a woman I can't reveal quite yet.
I had a lot of help.
The store I chose to shop at had a woman there who knew (I hope anyway since I was clueless) exactly what I was looking for, she followed me around for almost an hour as I was swallowed up by all kinds of "crafty" things.
I was like a kid in a candy store, a thankful one that we had a budget as well!
The paper in the top pic (excuse the phone pics) was the one thing I picked on my own, without any help.
With that as a base, the woman helped me with pearls and flowers and ribbons and buttony thingies.
The flops, oh yes, we have to have the flops ornament for the tree and for when she sits and does her beautiful thing, some Peppermint Patties to nosh on.
And I will admit to you all, sad to say, however this is the only present I have bought so far :)
Ssshhhh, no one needs to know I am a bit behind.
Secret Santa ~ Merry Christmas.
Through The Years We All Will Be Together
If The Fates Allow
Hang A Shining Star Upon The Highest Bough.
And Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Now.
Well I am with you, my SS partner is the only gift I have done too...and it was so much fun! I am sure you partner will be thrilled with your gift....and I so enjoy shopping, like you for someone I don't know....in real life. It is great fun. Merry Christmas!!