
A Puzzle

Dear Friends, Do Not Be Surprised At The Painful Trial You Are Suffering, As Though Something Strange Were Happening To You.
But Rejoice That You Participate In The Sufferings Of Christ So That You May Be Overjoyed When His Glory Is Revealed.
1 Peter 4: 12-13

A shattered life is like a puzzle that has been scattered all over the floor.

The winds of change have come in and strewn the pieces all over the place.

You stand in the center wondering where you even begin to put the pieces back together.

Which pieces of that puzzle do you want to keep?

The pieces of your old life will never be the same...

The pieces of that puzzle will never fit like they did before...

So you have a marvelous opportunity to actually begin anew...

Which pieces are you going to keep and which ones are you going to destroy?

I am keeping certain pieces...My Belief in God, Faith, hope, dignity, values, morals, hard earned self-respect, joy, patience, strength, determination, empathy, mental clarity, confidence, inner peace.

I am doing away with other pieces...Torment, guilt, worry, pain, second guessing, selfishness, self-hatred, bitterness, anger, self-injury, chaos, fear, doubt.

I am adding new pieces...Forgiveness, unconditional love, freedom, grace, courage, the chance to live as me, guided by Him, thankfulness in all that is offered to me, belief in myself, a long forgotten smile on my face and absolute happiness in my heart...

My puzzle isn't done...It is still rocky where I would rather have smooth...Some pieces don't fit yet and others still have to find their way out of the puzzle...There are still some holes...The holes are there for my blessings...I know He will fill every one of them with whatever He has in store for me...

So given the chance, which pieces will you keep and which pieces will you destroy once and for all?

Like Sunlight Burning At Midnight
Making My Life Something So
Beautiful, Beautiful
Mercy Reaching To Save Me
All That I Need

1 comment:

  1. I love this! It is so true. I love you, Friend. =)


Thank You For Taking The Time To Leave A Little Piece Of Yourself With Me!


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