
All Things

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In Everything Give Thanks: For This Is The Will Of God In Christ Jesus Concerning You.

Read it again - In all things give thanks. The good, the bad, the indifferent.

You should thank Him for it all.

It has taken me a long time to "get" this statement.

Those that go to Church or who pray, know what I am about to say is true...

We thank Him when all is going good however the minute something isn't going our way, He is the first we lash out at.

We cry out "Why me" or "Why now" or "What did I do to deserve this"?

I admit I am one of those that did this as well however now I stop and I thank Him for whatever is happening be it good, bad or indifferent.

Do you know why?

If you do consider yourself lucky, if you don't then read on.

I give thanks in the bad things because that is where my strength comes from.

"What the heck is she talking about" may be what is going through your head right now however read on...

Strength comes from the hard times.

When we suffer, all the while being thankful, we are taking the attitude of Christ and people can see that.

Sometime later down the road, we will be able to help others because of the strength God gave to us during the hard times.

You also need to remember this - One of the reasons to be thankful during hard times is because of the enemy...

God may allow hard times to come, however it is the enemy that brings them.

God allows the hard times to make us stronger however the enemy will use this so you curse God and turn away from Him.

However by thanking God during the hard times, you are defeating the enemy.

I thank you all for your kind comments to me on my post yesterday...

I am thankful I can be as honest as I am here with no one jumping all over me for saying what I feel.

I have had some time to reflect since that night and while I am not proud of what I did, I am thankful that I stopped when I did...

I am thankful to be given the chance to reflect on how I fell so far down once again and I am thankful He was there to pick me up once again.

I am thankful for my wonderful bloggy friends who care so much...

I am thankful my arm is healing and I am thankful I was given another chance to get "it" right.

I am thankful of how far I have come since this journey started because looking back on it, I could have just given up and ended it all.

It's Up To Us To Be The Change
And Even Though We Can All Do More
There's So Much To Be Thankful For


  1. I am so thankful that you are able to lean on Him when you need strength. I know its been a hard time lately but you & the boys are in my prayers.


  2. What a wonderful post, Friend. So oft times we WANT to be strong, and even pray to be strong but don't want the storms that are necessary to give us strength. What an awesome reminder. Love you and still praying =)

  3. This post was just so amazing! It shows what true inner strength you really have...all of us have it inside sometimes it's a matter of reaching deep and bringing it to the surface

    Keeping you in my thoughts and Prayers


Thank You For Taking The Time To Leave A Little Piece Of Yourself With Me!


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