"I Will Lead The Blind By Ways They Have Not Known, Along Unfamiliar Paths I Will Guide Them; I Will Turn The Darkness Into Light Before Them And Make The Rough Places Smooth. These Are The Things I Will Do; I Will Not Forsake Them."
Isaiah 42:16

That He walked this path before I ever did.
The Bible verse stated above is fast becoming a favorite of mine...
The path I am on is very unfamiliar to me, however I also know He is lighting the way for me...
I am still waiting on the bumps to become smoother...

One set of footprints throughout the darkest and saddest moments of your life because He was carrying you.
When you needed Him the most, He stayed true to His word, and you were never forsaken.
In the dead of night, I go and sit on the back porch and just look towards the heavens and talk to Him...
Most times there are tears involved, however tears have a way of cleansing the soul so I don't worry about them...
He knows that they are coming.

Most of the time though I am seeking answers...
No longer the "Why" answers though sometimes I do travel that road...
The majority of the time I am asking for guidance...
When you have lived your entire life one way, only to wake up one day to find yourself on a whole new planet, well it can be very disheartening...

I know if I picked up the phone in those wee hours of the morning, someone out there would be more then happy to answer on the other end, yet I don't...
G - Always up so much later then me, I know in my heart all I would have to do is send him a message and he would be right there, dialing before I could even utter a reason as to why I need to talk at 2am...
He has spent countless hours with me on the phone as well as the computer...
He knows me almost better then I know myself and I trust him implicitly...

I thank God for all the people He has placed in my path these past 16 months...
I would never be where I am right now, had it not been for each and every one of them...
People from all walks of life, most in different, yet similar situations as mine...
All on the same path with me, thanks to Him.

99% of the people I have met in this situation are new to it as well...
Yet something wonderful has happened during all this strife and pain...
Fantastic friendships have been formed...
People you may not normally hang out with, now have become your closest confidant...
People you may not look twice at in the mall, now become your shoulder to cry on...
People who may not ever have had anything to do with you, are now asking you to pray for them...

You laugh and cry and vent together...
You grow from within together...
The tentative bond was formed out of heartache and tragedy, the strength of the bond grows as each of you walks the path He has placed in front of you - Together.

Knowing we each had strengths and weaknesses, He filled this garden with people who would draw that out of us...
Some of us "click" more then others however, we each have something to offer one another...
Some of us are so new we haven't met you...
You are still standing on the outskirts of the garden however, you will be welcome once you turn around and truly face what is happening in your life.
Whether you are the driver or the passenger on the infidelity super-highway, there is death and destruction at every single hairpin turn.

It just feels like it will...
You will question each and every single belief you have ever held true...
You will question each and every single moment you had with your significant other...
You will question each and every breath you take, asking yourself, "Is this truly happening?"
I still ask myself that almost 16 months later...
Don't live in denial, it is happening, it is a horrific path to have been placed on, yet there was a reason your name was called by Him to travel this path.

I do know that I have people in every corner of my life that love me, respect me, and care about me...
People who help me to nurture my forgiveness and compassion...
People who help me to not allow hate and bitterness take over...
People who, at the very ugliest times of their lives, are more then willing to forget their situation for the time-being and help a fellow friend...
He did that...
He has already traveled this road prior to us, knew what each of us would need, knew this was going to happen before-hand and then set about making sure we were still protected within the circle of His wings.
It may not make it hurt any less, however it is a beautiful blessing to have received.

Oh No, You Never Let Go
Through The Calm And Through The Storm
Oh No, You Never Let Go
In Every High And Every Low
Oh No, You Never Let Go
Lord, You Never Let Go Of Me
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