I am going to give you glimpse into the way my mind churns...
It isn't pleasant but I live with it daily...
I can't recall if I have always been like this...
My mind is always on constant overdrive until I go to bed at night and even then I need something to sleep for more then 3-4 hours at a time...
Be it good or bad, worry is a fixture in myself that I can live without...
I have spent many recent nights asking Him to please take it...
Take all of it and give me some peace of mind...
So far I can see a little clearing in my mind...
I know that by asking it isn't going to go away all at once however He is showing me that He is indeed standing here and slowly taking a little at a time...
Maybe I am not giving it up fast enough?
This is new to me so I am not sure how to turn it all over because again of the way my mind works...
Example...Let go, Let God is something I have been chanting recently...A normal person may say it then have some relief...This is how I work...I say my saying then the mind goes something like this...What if He didn't hear...What if He did hear but has to many other worries to take over and mine are insignificant...What if I stop worrying since I turned it over and then He ignored it and I need to start worrying again and then add the fact that I am now worrying about why it was ignored...Hopefully you are still following me...
Another Example...I am running late for work...A simple enough thought...We have all been there...Here is the way I go through this...I am going to be late for work...My clients will try to call and I won't answer and they will go elsewhere...The boss (who doesn't even live here) will be mad...I may lose my job...If I lose my job, how will I contribute to the household, how will clothes be bought, or food, or gas for my car, or health insurance, what if we lose our house since I can't pay the rent, will we live under the bridge? In a box? With other family members?? etc...
These are an everyday occurrence with each and every little thought that enters my head...
I can't just have a normal "headache"...My mind will eventually take me to a tumor and before you know it I am planning my own funeral as well as how others will react at my funeral...If my kids will grow up missing me...If they will remember what I look like later on down the road...
If people don't speak to me in a certain way, I feel slighted for some reason and the next thing you know, you hate me and I am crushed beyond belief...
This is an absolutely painful way to go about your day...
By the end of the day I normally have a raging headache, my muscles are in knots and usually a stomach ache as well...I live on Advil and Tums most of the time.
I do find it hard to believe this is going to be normal for me the rest of my life unless I go back on medication...
As I have stated before, I feel like I am living in a movie and you are all bit-players...
My mind is foggy and overworked...
I "feel" to much from other people....
I ofter wonder if it is possible to have to much empathy for others...
I would think not since isn't caring for others what makes us human however that is how I feel sometimes...
I am very mindful of the people I come in contact with...
I think before I speak so I don't hurt any feelings...
I no longer say what is on my mind and then worry about that as well...
I am slowly becoming a shadow of my former self and seem powerless to stop it...
If I am busy, I can control it for the most part...
After the day is done and everyone is in bed is the worst time for me...
I wander around the house in the dark or just sit there and then the door comes crashing open and it is a repeat of the day I have just had and the conversations that took place and the people I have interacted with...
Then the process of tearing myself down begins...What I could have said, should have done, would do different if I could etc...
Since this is my normal process, I don't know how to stop it...
For so very long a shell has protected me however lately I am feeling cracks in that shell and I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing...
Is He helping me to tear down the walls or am I finally descending into my own madness?
Am I going to be ok or am I going to break down?
Will I ever learn to forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made?
Will I ever have a "real" smile on my face and not one that is forced?
Will I ever be able to lay my head down and just go to sleep?
Will the endless thoughts swirling about ever slow down?
Think about this...You know those money machines that people step into and the money starts flying around really fast and you try like hell to catch as much as you can?
Welcome to my life - That is how my mind works.
STAINDI Know That It Never Goes AwayAll I Feel, Everything I'm Not TodaySo I Try And I Try To Make Everything RightI Don't Feel Like I'm Doing It, It Affects Me