What does it mean to walk by Faith and not by sight?
I have touched on this before however I was sitting at work yesterday and felt I needed to revisit the topic...
To walk by sight means you live a life for yourself without thinking how He would want you to respond or what He would want you to do.
Walking by sight means you rely upon other things to make it from this hour to the next.
It may mean you are more worried about what you can acquire in the material sense, you work to have things yet the things you are getting never quite seem to be enough, so you work some more to buy more stuff and it is honestly just an endless cycle, that is destined to be repeated tomorrow and all of your following days. It may mean you are fearful and anxious within your life...
It could be a paralyzing fear which keeps you from living life to the fullest or it could many little fears which still hinder your ability to enjoy everything He has blessed you with...
Death, homelessness, divorce, losing your job, losing your "stuff", etc...
All these could be fears that are deep rooted within you, however these exact fears are keeping you from being fully within Him.
I know this because I also lived this exact way... Terrified of losing my marriage, my home, my car, my ego, my pride, my self-worth etc...
Walking by sight brought me unspeakable anxiety and utter despair, pain I honestly thought would just consume me, thinking I would never be the same person again.
My thinking wasn't to far off...
I will never be the same person again, however I am a much better person now then I was one year ago...
Once I stopped walking by sight and started walking by faith, I knew I would never be the same again. You know how to walk by sight now I am going to show you how to walk by faith...
In order to explain how you walk by faith, I need you to stand up, close your eyes, hands by your side, now walk...
Don't worry I will wait right here as you bump into walls and possibility the furniture...
The bruises won't last to long and hopefully you aren't laying on the floor...
You may be feeling disoriented and completely turned around, however if you continue this walk, you will eventually feel more confident in your abilities to navigate your way around. Walking by sight means you "see" and that is how you are living...
We as humans have to have something tangible in order to believe...
We have to see it with out own two eyes before we can say we believe...
We want to be able to reach out and touch, smell, feel that which is in front of us...
Walking by sight is a dangerous way to live and not the way He wants us to be. Walking by faith means we are willing to takes steps that may not make sense from a "worldly" point of view.
Walking by faith means we are living in faith for His future and the promises He has given us.
We are living in faith for His Grace.
We live with confidence that He has absolute control and we will have His full Grace from this day forward.
In order to live by faith, you have to be willing to make sacrifices that you may otherwise might not be willing to make. Sacrifices???
Yes I know what you are thinking because I thought the same things as well...
In order to glorify God, you have to take risks for Him to work in your life...
You need to be willing to risk it all...
You can't just let Him into part of your life to work, you have to open up and allow Him into each and every crevice of your soul.
You need to be willing to risk your finances, your relationships, your health, your jobs, your very being... You do this because you can't lose with Him leading...
Do you fear Him or do you fear losing everything?
You can't have it both ways.
Don't be afraid if He calls on you to take risks...
Be thankful and do it joyfully, knowing when all is said and done, you will be a better person because of it.Once He calls your name, don't ask "Why me?" ask "Why not me?"
Make sure each step you take in faith counts...
To walk by faith, you need to be willing to not follow your natural desires...
Desires for more money, sex, drugs etc...
Whatever could lead to self-destruction or lack of self-control is walking by sight... Whatever could lead to self-respect and joy in what you do for Him, is walking by faith.
Faith in Him, even though He isn't "seen" with the eyes, nor "felt" with the hands, and what He is doing in your life...
Faith that you are right where He wants you to be for a reason...
He isn't wrong, though you may feel like you have no purpose or that you don't belong where He planted you, trust it is for something truly magnificent.
Keep your eyes on Him and continue to walk by faith, not by sight.JEREMY CAMP
Well I Will Walk By Faith
Even When I Cannot See
Well Because This Broken Road
Prepares Your Will For Me
"Simply put, if you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you can’t be my disciple." Luke 14:33 (the Message)
How Are You Walking?
"For We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight."
2 Corinthians 5:7
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