"Rejoice And Be Glad, Because Great Is Your Reward In Heaven, And For The Same Way They Persecuted The Prophets Who Were Before You."
Matthew 5:12
"Do Not Be Afraid Of Those Who Kill The Body But Cannot Kill The Soul. Rather Be Afraid Of The One Who Can Destroy Both Soul And Body In Hell."
Matthew 10:28

There is no in-between or Purgatory as some call it...
There is a Book of Life with our Father and I am certain my name is in it...
Not every ones name is written in this book...
It isn't enough to just have Faith that God exists, you have to believe that Jesus died for our sins, that God raised Him from the dead and you have to confess with your mouth that Jesus is our Lord, then and only then are you saved.

You are saved by God's grace, accessed by your faith, which is found in His word.
The good works that you do in your life should come from the well within your soul that has been placed there by the Holy Spirit - The nature of Jesus Christ.
Baptism is important as well...
That is part of your initiation in the Kingdom of God, it marks you as a Child of God...
It is about what God is doing from that moment forward because we acted in faith.

The Apostle John, who wrote the Book of Revelation had a dream one night in which an angel appeared to him and showed him many things, among these things, Heaven was one of them.
The walls of Heaven are so clear, you can see through them.
The foundation of the city walls are made up of 12 precious stones...
There are 12 gates and each gate is made up of a single pearl...
The city street is made up of pure gold...
There is no temple because the Lord God and the lamb are the temple...
There is no sun and there is no moon...
The glory of God gives the light and the lamb is its lamp.

There will no longer be any pain nor any suffering, the people who hurt you here, will no longer be allowed to hurt you there.
In my mind, children are running freely over the clouds, happy and carefree...
Safe from the troubles of this world...
Adults are calm and peaceful and everyone has a smile...
You are able to go directly to your Father and finally be at peace within your soul...
The people you have lost throughout your lifetime are there waiting for you, with open arms...
Family members, friends, loved ones etc...

Brilliant greens, blues, oranges, yellows, reds, purples etc...
Rainbows and precious waterfalls everywhere the eye can see...
Angels playing and singing soothing music...
Flowers and trees all bursting with life...
Animals roaming freely...
There is no hate, there is no despair, there is no anger - Nothing but pure love given by our holy Father.

First of all you need to realize, He isn't sending you to hell, you did that yourself by rejecting Him in this life...
I feel for you, I truly do because even though I prefer the darkness and all it has to offer, I do not relish the thought of that darkness.
While I find a nice, crackling fire soothing, the thought of eternal fire for my soul just doesn't do it for me...

I am limited by my imagination, while good, even I am unable to touch on what Hell truly is.
I imagine absolute black...
Not darkness per se...
But walls of the blackest black you have ever seen...
Possibly floors of molten lava...
And unimaginable screams of agony that go on and on and on - Forever.

All the feelings that suck at your self-worth here on earth, will be magnified ten-fold in Hell...
You will be in the company of non-believers, rapists, murderers, adulterers, pedophiles etc....
Basically the worst of the worst.
The Bible states, in Psalms 9:17, "The Wicked Shall Be Turned Into Hell"...
So not only will you be in Hell, you shall become Hell.
You will see it, smell it, taste it, feel it, live it - For all eternity.

Satan - The ruler of all that is evil will now be with your soul forever.
I can't even begin to imagine the torment you will then be facing...
The pain of an eternal life filled with fire and brimstone.

Once you are there, there is no escape...
Now picture this....
You are dead (I know morbid, however go with me here)...
Your soul has left your body...
Which direction is it going?

You are heading to Hell, after living your life the way you wanted to live it with no concern for anyone else...
You didn't believe, you didn't give thanks, you didn't care about anything or anyone other then you...
So, now your soul is traveling towards your home for all of eternity...
What is that awful noise?
Screaming souls which are burning...
The smell filling your nose?
The stench of those same burning souls...

The pain, the agonizing pain, when will it end?
That is when it hits you - Never, ever, ever...It will never stop.
You scream and plead and beg for God to release you from the pain you are feeling...
You ask why He didn't warn you, however He did...
All those times you sat in His house and were there only to fill a square...
Remember the man at the front of the Church asking if anyone needed to be saved?
My Pastor ends every service calling people to not walk but run to the Altar while the blood is still warm and flowing...

Remember Sunday School, being taught about Heaven and Hell?
Remember hearing about it throughout your journey of life?
Now remember all the times you rejected your ticket from Him...
Your ticket out of an eternity of Hell...
You may not know the Bible from beginning to end, I know that I don't, however I do know enough about where I want to spend eternity...
I may be a "child of darkness", however even this child needs light every now and then.

However I believe that if you die without Jesus Christ, that will be the biggest mistake you will ever make.
I know a lot of you are saved, you believe and you practice...
No offense however I am not speaking to you, I am speaking to the ones who may be standing next to you, sitting near you, or laying beside you...
We all have sinned and we all fall short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23).
If you are reading this, you still have a chance to be saved...
So what is it going to be?
Smoking or non-smoking?

I Will Give
With The Life That I've Been Given
And Go Beyond Religion
To See The World Be Changed
By The Power Of Your Name
Amen!!!Thank You GOD!!! I ACCEPT YOU LORD JESUS!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, truly thank you, and GOD BLESS.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to go to Heaven!!
ReplyDeleteI believe My
ReplyDeleteheart & soul Is giving to my god and lord jesus chirst
Wow what a beautiful blog and such splenderiffffic images ...... they sure do get you to take a second look. Do stop by us at ATMOSPHERIC CHANGERS @ FB whenyou get a chance. I love your views ..... please keep sharing what God has given you.
ReplyDeleteHeaven can be whatever you want it to be, it can look like whatever you want it to look like. The only reason that is possible is because you and I create heaven in our imaginations, heaven and hell are both states of mind.