"They Shall Be Mine, Says The Lord Of Hosts, On The Day That I Make Them My Jewels. And I Will Spare Them As A Man Spares His Own Son Who Serves Him."
Malachi 3:17

Some are bigger then others, marveled for their courage, strength, or love...
Some are smaller yet just as precious, marveled for their meekness, their gentleness, or their patience...
All gems are valuable, though not all are created equally.

Some have flaws that show, while others are able to hide their flaws from the naked eye...
No matter which jewel you are, you are still being formed through Him...
We know the origin of the gem you are, some of you are in the cutting, while others are moving onto the polishing...

There are still sides of me that are being discovered and sides that have yet to see the light of day...
He knew my origin, He made me, He knows how all this will end...
So each day I endure a little more cutting, a little more filing and a whole lot of polishing so I am able to be made into the jewel He wants me to be.

I know which jewel I am, which one are you?
The Emerald?
Greener then the hills of Ireland, sparkling when the light hits it.
Maybe you are a Pearl?
Formed in the sea under the shell of an oyster, not sparkling, yet still just as beautiful.

Redder then the blood that flowed for our sins, equally enchanting when the light hits it...
Possibly a Sapphire?
Bluer then the oceans & the skies, gorgeous when hit by the sun.
Some of you are Diamonds...
A diamond is God made, found deep in the depths of the Earth, practically indestructible no matter what is done to it.

It is a long process, because each and every facet has to be tendered to.
Each and every single fire you walk through within life is part of the polishing process...
In order to shine a little brighter, you have to endure the flames.

No one is without problems, I don't care who you are...
Each person before you had problems as well, some well more magnified then the ones you are shouldering...
All the way back to Adam and Eve...
Trials and tribulations are laced throughout the Bible...

No matter how hard you try to live it, you will never ever come close...
You were not meant to be perfect...
You are a flawed gem.

Like a flawed gem, some hide it better then others...
I know I am not perfect and I screw up multiple times a day, I admit that...
Yes life would be much easier if I was a perfect gem...
I would have no flaws and I would shine unlike anything you have ever seen before...

After I am long gone....
Once my polishing is done, my time here is done...
Just like each and every one of you...
We are all here to shine the light of whatever gem He has chosen us to be into the lives of others...
To sparkle, to do His work and leave a lasting impression on each and every single individual you meet on your journey through life.

One chance to get it right, so make sure each mark you leave is one filled with compassion, tenderness, caring, joy, respect, kindness and love...
I asked the question, "Which one is most valuable?"
As a precious gem headed for His crown, I think each of us is, no matter which gem we are.
Or Would Your Eyes Be Opened
Or Would You Walk Away
Would The Love Of Jesus
Be Enough To Make You Stay
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