"He Has Made Everything Beautiful In Its Time. He Has Also Set Eternity In The Hearts Of Men; Yet They Cannot Fathom What God Has Done From Beginning To End."
Ecclesiastes 3:11

I wonder what people see when they look within me and not at me...
Not at my face, my nose, my mouth etc...
I wonder if they even take the time to see me as a complete person...

I see the toll the past 16 months has taken...
I also see shame and disgrace...
I also see embarrassment and humiliation...

I could almost see some hate depending on the day, however it is very quick to pass by, never staying long enough to fester...
I see pity and I see sorrow...
I also see light and I see love and I see a promise of a better tomorrow...

The trees in front of me, the clouds passing by, the smile on my little ones' face...
The frailness of my Grandmother's hand on my arm enquiring if I am alright...
The cardinal in the backyard, the blue-jays, the squirrels, the flowers that grow, the sunsets, the sunrises, the shooting stars across the night sky...

A past I will never be able to erase, I will never be able to forget, as I struggle with forgiving myself for the wrongdoings I have committed...
I see the exact moment, frozen in time that I received my first high, the first time I felt a blade trail across my skin, the one night I wish I could erase from memory...
I see the day my husband sat in the garage and told me the words that would forever change the person I used to be...

I see the loss of my nephew at such a young age...
I see financial difficulties, decimated relationships and love shattered by selfishness...
I see the moment in time I turned away from His love and all He offered.

I see new people within my life, friends I would do anything for and they are added to almost daily...
I see new dreams that I have only shared with a select few...
I see a man closer to me than my own real brother whom I cherish more than words could ever say...

I see light within the darkness, joy within the sorrow...
I see my Faith has been multiplied more than I ever thought possible...
I see something I never thought I would see again, His love reflecting back at me.

And I'll Still Love You
Beyond What Words Can Say
I'll Take Your Every Suffering Moment
And Bring A Better Day
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