"Commit To The Lord Whatever You Do, And Your Plans Will Succeed."
Proverbs 16:3

I sat in the sunshine...
It felt like I was being embraced by Him...
Like a big warm hug.

I know my time here isn't going to last forever so I want to make each and every second count.
For Him...
Each thing I do from here on out I want to do in order to glorify Him.

He isn't going to hurt me, He doesn't want me to fail.
He loves me for me and wants me to succeed for Him.
Of course I wish I had a road map to my life so I could see just exactly where I have been, where I am going and where I will land eventually.

By walking in faith, with trust in each thing He does, my life is going on a path I never expected...
A great path I may add.
A path that is filled with excitement, joy, trepidation and yes some fear.

Failing as a Daughter, a Sister, a Mother, a human being in general.
Now I have added failing Him to the mix.
Yet, He isn't allowing me to own that because the only way I can fail Him is to turn my back on Him and what He wants me to do with my life.

Just Him, not man.
The beauty that an object possesses doesn't come from within that object, it comes from Him and what people fail to see is that you should be idolizing Him not the object.
You see it with supermodels, rock stars, sports figures etc...
Their beauty, talent, athleticism comes straight from Him.

What they fail to realize is the glory you see in that will fade...
Then what happens?
People become despondent, they despair over losing that glory instead of realizing that His glory is everlasting.

The sunrise you were lucky enough to witness today, the rainbow at the end of a rain shower, that same rain shower, the smile on your child's face, the wildflowers growing in a field, a perfectly baked muffin, a dozen perfect red roses from your beloved...
Wherever you find beauty, you will find Him.
Wherever you find Him, you will also find His glory.

It isn't, it is saying I don't trust Him 100% with every aspect of my life...
It is a way of telling me I haven't given Him everything, a way of telling me I still have work to do.
However when I do let go and let God, I see magnificent things happening within my life...
I see His glory all around me...
I see His beauty all around me...

I see it in my big brother who just knows exactly when I need him without a word from me being said...
I see it in my sister in Christ who sends a virtual hug or just a message saying "How are you today"?
I see it in Tigger who is healing rather wonderfully regardless of what has happened in the past 18 months, my son with the most expressive eyes I have ever seen has empathy and he is caring and very compassionate and he laughs again, deep belly laughs.
I see it in my MIL who always seems to know when I could use her support.
I see it in new friends as well as old friends...
I may not live in a grand house filled with earthly things...
I may not drive a luxury vehicle...
I may not take vacations to exotic locations...
I may not be able to just take off and go shopping whenever I want at the drop of a hat, however I wouldn't trade any of those things for what I have now...
I would rather have His glory shine upon me than anything else I could possibly acquire in this world.

I'll Go, But I Cannot Go Alone
Cause I Know I'm Nothing On My Own
But The Power Of Christ In Me Makes Me Strong
Makes Me Strong
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