"For It Is Better, If The Will Of God Be So, That Ye Suffer For Well Doing, Than For Evil Doing." 1 Peter 3:17

Of course I denied it, however once I sat back and took stock, this statement is correct.
It was also pointed out to me that whenever I look away, everything seems to go wrong.
When I say everything, I mean each and every thing.

A spilled soda, hitting every red light on the way to work after you already overslept, no milk for your morning coffee, a run in your pantyhose etc...
There are millions of things that can go wrong each day...
If your focus is on Him, these things won't bother you, if your focus is on the world around you, than you are walking dangerous territory.

It saddens me when I don't get to Church, however sometimes I just can't get there no matter how hard I try.
It seems when this happens, I am set up for a week of stress, disappointments, emotions running high etc...
There is of course good within the week, however I am to focused on the bad to notice the good.
Until it becomes to much for me to bear, only than do I notice it...
Or when it is pointed out to me.

If your eyes are on your circumstances than that means they are not on Him...
If your eyes are not on Him, you are missing the new life He is putting in front of you...
New days, new gifts, new friends, new blessings....
You can't see this new life if you are still looking at that old life.

Give Me Yours Eyes For Just One Second
Give Me Your Eyes So I Can See
Everything That I Keep Missing
That I Keep Missing
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