"When You Pass Through The Waters, I Will Be With You; And When You Pass Through The Rivers, They Will Not Sweep Over You. When You Walk Through The Fire, You Will Not Be Burned; The Flames Will Not Set You Ablaze."
Isaiah 43:2
It is stated in the Bible that we all will have storms throughout our lives - All of us.
There is no way to avoid the rain.
What you need to know is that the pain will not last forever.
There will be days you don't want to get out of bed...
You won't want to face life because you are scared of what the day may hold for you...
I lived this way for over a year...
During my weakest times, I prayed for His strength to face one more day...
During my moments of lost hope, I prayed for His guidance...
Even when I could no longer feel Him near me, I still prayed because I knew He was close by...
I cried out to Him to please show me a sign...
Please show me I was not forsaken...
I have felt like a lost little girl and no matter how much I sought Him, I couldn't find Him...
So far, yet so very close...
He knows my pain...
He knows my fears and my doubts and my worries and loves me just the same...
He knows what I wanted, however it wasn't what He wanted for me...
He wants more for me then I want for myself...
He wants gold for me, when I am willing to settle for silver...
He wants respect and complete love for me, when I am willing to settle for being a doormat...
He wants inner peace where there is turmoil...
He wants calm where there is conflict...
I could see the sun, yet couldn't feel it warming my skin...
I could see His beautiful works all around me, yet didn't appreciate them...
All because I didn't feel as if He was standing there for me to lean upon...
He wants me to fly...
He gave me wings so long ago that haven't even been tested...
Wings to soar above the storms in my life.
This is a beautiful post...and I needed it today thank you...