"Greater Love Has No One Than This, That He Lay Down His Life For His Friends."
John 15:13
A close friend of mine is hurting...
The admittance won't come though...
I can see it through the words and I feel at a loss to help...
I pray for the words to help guide him to where he needs to be...
A piece of me was born anew the day he was placed on my path...
I never knew how high I could soar until he entered my life...
A friend that God knew I desperately needed...
One who allows me to be myself no matter what, yet will never allow me to wallow...
The day he was placed in my path a new part of me was born...
He will always be accepted...
He will never be judged ...
He has earned my trust...
For him I would fight...
If you hurt my friends, you hurt me...
I want nothing from him...
He wants nothing from me...
I know that what I see is genuine and true...
He knows the same...
There is no hidden agenda.
He is a treasure to me...
Some days we can chat all day and other days few words are exchanged...
He doesn't quite understand what a mark he has left in my life...
He does understand I am here for him at anytime...
Just as he is for me.
My friend...
I feel your pain
I see your turmoil...
I know the fight within you and I know you will come out of this shining like a bright northern star...
I am forever in your corner and will do whatever I can to help...
I believe in you.
I have faith in you.
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