"I Know What It Is To Be In Need, And I Know What It Is To Have Plenty. I Have Learned The Secret Of Being Content In Any And Every Situation, Whether Well Fed Or Hungry, Whether Living In Plenty Or In Want. I Can Do Everything Through Him Who Gives Me Strength"
Philippians 4:12-13
"Each One Should Remain In The Situation Which He Was In When God Called Him"
1 Corinthians 7:20
"Each One Should Remain In The Situation Which He Was In When God Called Him"
1 Corinthians 7:20
She has been calling me and leaving me messages asking if I was alright...
She isn't the only one...
I debated calling her back then knew it was the right thing to do...
I didn't want to walk into the Church at all...
I have been discouraged with my walk as well as a few members speaking ill of the Pastor...
However I stood in the parking lot, took a deep breath and went in...
I was hoping the Pastor wasn't there just for the simple fact that I wasn't ready to face him...
God had other plans...
Seeking the peace and joy that I had allowed to be stolen from me...
As I knelt there, my mind went back to the last time I was in the Church, at the Altar, by myself...
I remember the peace I felt and I was searching for it once again...
It wasn't there...
My mind was jumbled with thoughts that didn't need to be there, however I couldn't shut them off...
I went to the kitchen and as I was standing there, he walked in...
Both hands on my shoulders he asked me if everything was alright...
I looked at the ground and say yes...
I glanced up and saw in his face that he knew something was wrong...
I turned around and walked away...
The first man I placed complete trust in after my husband walked away...
The man I turn to before I do anything...
The man I know I can talk to about anything at anytime...
The man I had been told not to trust in...
Not to place any Faith in...
The day he gave me his blessing to file for divorce was the day things changed...
The day it took me 14 months to get to...
The day I finally felt at peace with my decision, was taken from me with a few ugly words...
I didn't understand what was going on...
I did understand I was once again confused and extremely saddened by the turn of events...
How can you go to him and tell him what is bothering you when he has become part of it?
How do you stand face to face and not utter to him that some in his congregation are just awful behind his back yet sweet as pie to his face?
I can't - To knowingly hurt someone like that...
I am not that kind of person...
I sit there on Sundays and listen intently to what he says - I even take notes...
He has been there every time I needed him and even when I didn't, he knew when I did...
Because of his intervention, I am still standing today...
He has welcomed me into his Church with open arms...
He has taken the time to help cultivate my walk...
He has been there day and night...
He answers my questions where God is concerned...
He is the one who baptized me.
He has shown me how to bloom...
I called my class leader...
We talked for almost two hours and I let her know what was going on as well as what had kept me from Church...
I told her I didn't know where I belonged...
I told her what had been said to me about the Pastor...
She in turn told me there were demons even in Church and I just got to experience it first hand...
By removing myself from Church, I was allowing them to win...
She then told me I needed to "Bloom where He planted me"...
Think about it...
No matter what your circumstances are, you can still bloom...
No matter where He has placed you in life, you can still give all you have...
You can either be open such as a flower...
Petal by petal searching out the sunshine...
Or you can be like a weed...
Ugly and stifling to the flowers around you...
In order to bloom, you have to accept that God has you right where you are for a reason...
In order to bloom in the times you feel more alone then you ever have in your life...
I am learning to bloom in the moments where I am alone in my thoughts wondering, questioning, seeking etc...
I am learning to bloom as I am called to a task that no one would ever want in order for Him to get all the glory no matter how it turns out...
I have finally learned to look at this as an opportunity to grow...
Putting aside the marital issues, possessions, work etc...
I owe Him so much...
He put this man in my life to show me how to trust again...
To show me how to walk with Him again...
To show me just what I have missing...
To show me what a true Church should feel like...
To show me how to love someone and expect nothing in return...
To show me I am worthy of His love as well as the love of my Pastor...
To show me a man so humble he will go to his knees for me when I can't do it on my on...
By putting my Pastor in my life, He has allowed me the chance to bloom...
If You Would Change Your Perspective
You'd See That It Is True
Life Is Not Always What You Want
Sometimes It's Hard To Bear
I'd Be With You, And Help You In All That You Go Through
I Love You, Let Me Change Your Heart By Coming In
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